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Clinical research

Clinical research units
Mobile clinical research space
Our Future Health research clinic
NIHR 'Be Part of Research' Kitty mobile unit
Clinical research recruitment unit

Taking clinical research into communities

We’re committed to creating a future where research is within everyone's reach

We accelerate and improve trial results by removing barriers to access for diverse populations. Our mobile clinical research units are helping to improve participant diversity and reduce patient burden by providing accessible trial sites and appointments in community locations, such as supermarket car parks:

  • Accessing patients: based on previous experiences, we identify the most accessible and convenient locations for participants
  • Patient safety: Our in-house quality team ensure programmes are compliant at every stage
  • Space: Our nationwide teams of clinical staff and mobile clinical spaces provide much-needed capacity without the burden on traditional settings
NHS-Galleri Mobile Clinic

Committed to collaboration

We work closely with sponsors and research partners to ensure each programme exceeds expectations

Accessible clinical trial sites

Patient recruitment

Meet recruits where they live and work to reduce the time commitment and improves access

Appointments in the heart of communities

Participant retention

A dedicated team of retention callers to follow up with, and ensure, your patient returns when required

Clinical research staff

Working with our partners, we can provide the best qualified, and experienced, research professionals to any programme.

Mobile clinical research clinics in accessible locations

Logistics & site management

Two decades of operating mobiles means we have 100s of pre-approved site locations

Clinical supply management

We can manage all consumables, utilities and waste management

Sample management

Sample integrity is central to everything we do and is overseen by our dedicated Quality team

Clinical & safety monitoring

Our experienced research professionals provide a systematic and proactive approach to all aspects of monitoring

A shared passion for a future of better health

How we're supporting clinical research programmes

Client testimonial

By putting our clinics in supermarket car parks we’re making it easy and convenient for everyone to contribute to health research, particularly people who have never done something like this before.

Dr Raghib Ali OBE

Chief Medical Officer at Our Future Health